miami seo expert

How to Design a Launch-Bar based on data? 

(Taken from the workflow implemented in the creation of Bimini Big John’s Bar & Grill)

The implementation of the design of a recreation club is a task that involves several factors:

1-Social-Economic Factor – people often tend to gather by affinity, they congregate in the place and with the group with which they feel good, or with the one they aspire to be.

2- Aspirational Aspect. Fun is often related to socializing. Aspiration is a factor that makes human groups have a marked tendency to evolve and to establish new relationships based on aspiration. The human aspirational aspect aims to reach new levels of personal interactions.

3 – Knowledge. An important element of having fun is to get to know new places,new things, new people, new food, new drinks, new experiences, and new stories. When this knowledge is handled carefully it is a powerful element of seduction for the human mind.

Where to find the data of all potential users and how much to pay for it?

Users usually deliver their own data voluntarily through their social networks. By enabling a Facebook conversion pixel using a Facebook account and connecting that pixel to our landing page, which is simultaneously connected to an analytic account, we can analyze the interaction of all these users in real time, and with this data design a space to suit.

An island in the Caribbean

How can people move from their Miami comfort to a bar located in Bimini, an hour away by boat or 30 minutes by plane?

The answer came from Facebook and Google Trends. When the individual moves location, it assumes that he is making a journey, this trip activates social and aspirational elements, because only a few can do it, and those few can be found there.
The second aspect was the story. Miami has a variety of entertainment venues, but in this case the island of Bimini additionally offered a history, the history of the island itself, narrated in its walls, in their dishes and in the name of their drinks. The design focused on showing a contemporary space, but with motifs such as typical navigation knots, traditional lobster trap cages, and interaction with a giant navigational map. A map in the style of the first sailors, showing all the pirate burials and images of mythical beasts extracted from popular folklore, and because of its proximity to the Bermuda triangle, the location of some wrecks, etc, etc.

design base on data

This visual scene, mounted on the basis of data from the accounts of a group of users targeted by interests, produced an environment that met the main interests of the target users. Many users shared their experiences, their images and this huge mural through feedback on social networks; and barcodes inserted in the scenes of the mural connected the users through their mobile devices.

seo specialist miami

The interaction between the elements of design and the public had never been so close until the arrival of the internet. Marketing models are now intensified because they multiply their impact with the social interaction of the public. The SEO Expert, Marketing Specialist, Designer, or Content Manager now have tools that allow them to analyze large quantities of data and information flows. They are able to create segmented and needs-oriented micro products designed for those who are going to consume.

How to design a nightclub?

Try a free consultation of your site’s content to see what upgrades you need to implement to improve your positions in the SERP.

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