Social Media Marketing Strategy. Facebook

It is the most massive of social networks and has even managed to displace consolidated networks in local markets such as Orkut in Brazil and Google+. Despite the doubts of its economic forecasts and its stock market valuation, the number of users continues to grow and conquer new countries.

There is no doubt that it has a large audience and an international reach superior to the rest of the social networks. The question is how to get attention in advertisements when the attention is focused on the content updated by the user’s friends and contacts.

Companies, aware of the social nature of Facebook, often mix free content of interest with paid content in the form of classified ads with a small photo. Facebook is like a large shopping center full of potential buyers. Logically it provides interested users with tools to launch extensions of their business, including stores for promoting offers, tools for the re-distribution of those offers, and most importantly, a great opportunity for customer traffic. Its treatment of user privacy policies are controversial and vary significantly from one country to another.

Social Media Strategies

Facebook has acquired other networks like Instagram. Despite the fact that Facebook's features for sharing and updating graphic content are very rich and advanced, they do not have the variety of photo editing tools that Instagram has.. 💬

Facebook Social Market

Not even Google with its Google+ network has managed to remove Facebook from the market. The strength of Facebook has led to e-commerce initiatives being tagged within Facebook as F Commerce, although the results have yet to offer a 100% return.

Facebook specialist

Facebook Trending Topic

Facebook has incredible potential on the side of Artificial Intelligence tools. Lookalike audiences, for example, is a tool located within “Facebook Manager” that allows us to enter Databases and get users “through Facebook” with the same profile, which ends up bringing us closer to thousands of potential Clients. A basic detail is to understand that "Facebook customers are from Facebook" unless you channel them through your personal landing pages. Once you bring them to your landing pages you will be able to have customer data without having to pay for each time you want to impact them through Facebook.

We have to put ourselves in the situation of Facebook users. When a user enters Facebook, they want to see the status of their friends, new images of them. Are they on vacation? Who got married? What are my acquaintances doing today? It is very unlikely that you will access this social network looking to buy something. So if we want to promote the discovery or the purchase of a new product, we need to develop very specific strategies and copy to meet this goal.

“with 10 likes you can meet someone better than a coworker, with 70, better than your roommate, with 150 better than a family member and with 300 better than your own partner.”

Are you ready to put your social networks to work?

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