Social Media Strategy Facebook

social media strategy expert

Social Media Marketing Strategy. Facebook It is the most massive of social networks and has even managed to displace consolidated networks in local markets such as Orkut in Brazil and Google+. Despite the doubts of its economic forecasts and its stock market valuation, the number of users continues to grow and conquer new countries. There … Read more

Social Media Strategy Twitter

social media strategy expert

Twitter. It’s what’s happening. Twitter has managed to differentiate itself from the rest of the existing social networks. The follow-ups are not reciprocal as it happens in other social networks. The hashtag system is one of the keys to Twitter’s success and differentiation from other social networks. This has allowed easy integration with other media, … Read more

The Business Model behind App Stores.

app developers business model

Apple Store Application There is an interesting business model behind App Stores. In the case of Apple it started with iTunes and it already had clients when it was born on the iPhone. The App Store functions as a large shopping center where the ecosystem of app developers can publish their applications. Premium applications [paid], … Read more

E commerce Logistics and distribution

e commerce design miami

Logistics and Distribution in E-commerce. CONTACT ME FOR MORE Logistics is an activity of electronic commerce that goes beyond the processing of packages, it is one of the basic activities and determinants of success in electronic commerce. Too often we forget this and leave logistics in the hands of people who are untrained in marketing … Read more

Market Research Online

Market Research Online 1

How to do Market Research Online Market Research is a new Market in itself. In many cases it is a new business adventure and perhaps one of the most important tools that your service will have. The investigation. Research can be done in two ways. One is using the resources you have at your disposal, … Read more

Inbound Marketing for E-Commerces

e commerce design miami

Inbound Marketing for E-Commerces CONTACT ME FOR MORE In the world of innovation there are many products and many success stories which have hardly needed investment in marketing. I am talking about applications like WhatsApp or Waze. The iPhone, for example, did not need a huge advertising escalation when it was born. Everyone who had … Read more